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CYT8000M Switching Dimming/Toning LED Constant Current Chip

CYT8000M is a switching dimming / toning constant current LED chip. It's suitable for AC 180V-240V or-Ae 90V130V input voltage, constant precision<+5%. When the CYT8000M is used to dimming, the...
  • CYT8000M
  • Brand: CYT
  • Price Indication: 0.68       Stock: 99999
  • Product Description:

    CYT8000M is a switching dimming / toning constant current LED chip. It's suitable for AC 180V-240V or-Ae 90V130V input voltage, constant precision<+5%. When the CYT8000M is used to dimming, the output current can be changed by turning on / off power supply, thus changing the brightness of LED. The dimming ratio can be set through external CS resistors.

    When the CYT8000M is used to color temperature adjustment, the current of two output port can be changed by turning on/off power supply to achieve the LED lamp bead light on / out alternately of two different colors, and then achieve the function of adjusting color temperature. The output power can be set through external CS resistors.

    Simple overall design structure, with over-temperature protection function and constant-power operation, no transformer and electrolytic capacitance, automatic production can be realized with only a few components on the periphery of the drive scheme.


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