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CYT1012BM Single Channel HV Constant Current LED Driver

CYT1012BM is a single-segment linear LEDconstant-current driver chip with built-in constant-power function without external powercompensation resistance. When the inputvoltage is too high, the series ...
  • CYT1012BM
  • Brand: CYT
  • Price Indication: 1.0       Stock: 999999999
  • Product Description:

    CYT1012BM is a single-segment linear LEDconstant-current driver chip with built-in constant-power function without external powercompensation resistance. When the inputvoltage is too high, the series current of LEDlamp will be automatically reduced to ensure thatthe input power is basically unchanged and thethermal stability of the system is guaranteed.The chip has the function of overtemperatureadjustment to improve system reliability. Systemstructure is simple, peripheral components less,cost-effective scheme.

    The output constant current ranges from5mA to 185mA

    The constant current accuracy deviation

    between chips is less than t5%

    Input 220Vac single chip 25W schemeHigh 

    PF solution: PF > 0.9Low PF solution: PF > 0.5, 

    nostroboscopicBuilt-in constant power functionWith temperature compensation functionCircuit design no EMC problemSimple line, low cost power system


    The output current is adjustable, up to 185mA, and the constant current accuracy can reach 3%.

    With over-temperature protection function

    voltage 700V

    No EMI problem

    Chip and LED share aluminum substrate with simple circuit and high cost performance.

    Package: TO-252


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