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ICL1105 HV Constant Current LED Driver with Line Regulation Compensation

ICL1105 is a single channel high voltage linear constant current LED driver, which integrates 600V high voltage MOS. The output current can be set through an extemal resistor between 5mA and 60mA. The...
  • ICL1105
  • Brand: ICL1105
  • Price Indication: 1       Stock: 999999
  • Product Description:

    ICL1105 is a single channel high voltage linear constant current LED driver, which integrates 600V high voltage MOS. The output current can be set through an extemal resistor between 5mA and 60mA. The ICL1105 provides excellent system power regulation compensation function over AC line variation range through the VD pin and a resistor. The built-in linear type thermal protection function can effectively prevent damage to the system caused by high temperature. ICL1105 system has simple peripherals, flexible application, high reliability. small volume, low system BOM cost, adjustable packaging technology can be applied to all kinds of LED lamps.

    800V/ 60mA HV NMOS integrated.

    Excellent system power regulation over AC

    line variation range.

    Driver-on-board and chip-on-board design

    solution available.

    Constant current control technology.

    System efficiency up to 93%.

    Linear type thermal protection function.

    NO EMI issue.


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