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ICNE2531 High Efficiency Phase-Cut Dimmable LED Current Regulator

The ICNE2531 is an LED current regulator with line regulation compensation for operating over a wide altermative current (AC) voltage source range and with active load controller for phase cut dimmabl...
  • ICNE2531
  • Brand: ICNE2531
  • Price Indication: 1.0       Stock: 999099
  • Product Description:

    The ICNE2531 is an LED current regulator with line regulation compensation for operating over a wide altermative current (AC) voltage source range and with active load controller for phase cut dimmable function. It can regulate the current flowing through a high voltage (HV) LED string and provide the holding current for the phase cut dimmer. The application of the ICNE2531 is configured in series with an LED string, working as a constant current sink with over voltage protection (OVP). over temperature protection (OTP). and line regulation compensation. Active load function is included to improve the phase-cut dimming performance, which will be disabled when the lamp is not connected to a dimmer. The PCB layout is also very flexible to meet various shape requirements. It is especially suitable for replacing incandescent light bulb and linear type fluorescent lamp.

    ? Device

    - Active load current and LED string current

    control from single device.

    - Excellent system power regulation over AC line

    variation range.

    - Built-in 700V HV NMOS for active load current

    regulator and 500V HV NMOS for LED current


    - Over temperature protection.

    - Over voltage protection.

    - Single board LED lighting solution available.

    · System

    - Scalable architecture allows optimization of

    performanoe vs. cost.

    - Driver-on-board and chip-on-board design

    solution avallable which minimize process flow

    and assembly cost.

    - High PF and Low THD performance.

    - Flexible PCB layout options.

    - Active load for phase-cut dimming operation


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