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CYT1002AG 雙通道單段線電壓補償線性恒流LED控制器

CYT1002AG is a dual-channel high-voltage single-segment line voltage compensation linear constant-current LED driver chip, which is used in LED lighting field. The chip achieves a constant current acc...
  • CYT1002AG
  • 品  牌:CYT
  • 參考價:0.8       庫 存:999999
  • 產(chǎn)品描述:

    CYT1002AG is a dual-channel high-voltage single-segment line voltage compensation linear constant-current LED driver chip, which is used in LED lighting field. The chip achieves a constant current accuracy of less than 4% through a unique patented constant current control technology. With the linear constant current technology, the output current sets the driving current of the LED light string through an external resistor.

    CYT1002AG has the function of line voltage compensation, which automatically reduces the output current when the input voltage is too high, so as to ensure that the input power does not change with the input voltage and ensure the heat dissipation stability of the system.


    Input voltage: 120Vac/220Vac

    Support high PF solution: PF>0.9

    Support low PF solution: PF>0.5, no flicker

    Output current bias between ICs<±5% 

    Integrated 750V high-voltage MOS tube, 

    can pass 750V lightning strike without any protection device

    No magnetic components for EMI applications

    With over temperature adjustment

    With constant power regulation

    Package: ESOP8








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